Who Got A Big Ol' Butt Synthesizer Kits!

Because Voltage has the love: Hard to listen to art-rock electronics are now within range of the everyman.

We designed a new digital synthesizer specifically geared towards noise heads who are interested in learning more about electronics theory and design, all while making ears bleed! Designed with circuitbending and expansion in mind as well, the beast runs on batteries or wall warts, comes complete with manual and instructional video, and measures less than 2x2". Currently she runs $30 plus shipping. Please let us know if you've got any questions or are interested in picking up a kit.

M > Who Got A Big Ol' Butt? Manual (.pdf -- 10MB)
S > Soldering tutorial movie (.mov -- 4MB)
A > Source code (.asm -- 43KB)
H > Home
what the f (H, M, S, A, M)

The Beast Herself

the kit itself